Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Several times to help overthrow the elected government to support the military junta, the Greek neo-fascist, extreme right-wing dynasty in Iran, Guatemala's murder the government, the Lebanese Phalange Party, Indonesia's Suharto military regime in Chile, the Pinochet military regime, South Africa the apartheid regime (the most recent material to expose,oakley radar sunglasses, is the CIA black leader Nelson Mandela to the South African Police authorities detained), and even Americans hate teeth itch of the bin Laden is CIA single-handedly support up the.
In addition, the CIA also other countries in a variety of cultural infiltration. For example, just the end of World War II, the United States only one on the economy of the upstarts, no culture in the minds of most people. And racial discrimination is also the world of U.S. blacks was widespread resentment. So the CIA extensively worldwide to promote American values ​​and way of life in another country to train a number of worship of the intellectual elite of the United States, and then through them to influence domestic public opinion and policy makers. Also proved that in most countries, the CIA's cultural infiltration work is completed very well.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is not so much intelligence system, and Mo as it is an important organ of a foreign cultural invasion and political destruction.
The United States was only CIA has permission to overseas operations, hiring and training overseas intelligence officers, the FBI is responsible for domestic affairs, only in the domestic recruitment and training of law enforcement officers. But in recent years because of the CIA's foreign intelligence work unsatisfactory, FBI took the opportunity to large-scale external recruitment, widely intervene in foreign affairs. After investigation, Lin Lin During his stay in the United States had with the FBI have been in contact,oakley womens sunglasses, so one began to speculate that she was the FBI agents. But two days before the CIA sent a fax, Lin Lin is a CIA informant, hoping to release, and put forward can be exchanged with a Soviet agent in Japan, the 12-man squad.
Take into account Lin Lin have a great deal of advanced fuel cell technology, the Japanese Cabinet has not decided whether to agree to this exchange conditions. The Asano Sachiko solicited my views, I consider for a long time to say agree with the word. For me, the fuel cell is not important, because I also have the more important technology. Lin Lin for me, is a very contradictory existence, so my dilemma let go. But in the end I made a decision, the intellect that keeps me awake.
Put down the phone, I suddenly thought of the question, Lin Lin last time because I can only operate on my computer. And my office computer protection measures on the server, but to prevent unauthorized users access to the system, if the hard drive removed, apart and forced to read the data in the hard disc, they can be important data filtering and to reproduce them. Since the other side want to get things in my computer, it is probably possible hands in the past five days I left.
Thought of this, I hurried to open the computer to see everything is normal, this gently out of breath. Then I will be all the encryption of important data in the computer and other data originally stored data disk sector covered a dozen times. Not that I caution, if you do not hard to fall into the hands of ordinary Fortunately, if you fall into the hands of the U.S. government, even if already

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