Saturday, June 30, 2012

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Several times to help overthrow the elected government to support the military junta, the Greek neo-fascist, extreme right-wing dynasty in Iran, Guatemala's murder the government, the Lebanese Phalange Party, Indonesia's Suharto military regime in Chile, the Pinochet military regime, South Africa the apartheid regime (the most recent material to expose,oakley radar sunglasses, is the CIA black leader Nelson Mandela to the South African Police authorities detained), and even Americans hate teeth itch of the bin Laden is CIA single-handedly support up the.
In addition, the CIA also other countries in a variety of cultural infiltration. For example, just the end of World War II, the United States only one on the economy of the upstarts, no culture in the minds of most people. And racial discrimination is also the world of U.S. blacks was widespread resentment. So the CIA extensively worldwide to promote American values ​​and way of life in another country to train a number of worship of the intellectual elite of the United States, and then through them to influence domestic public opinion and policy makers. Also proved that in most countries, the CIA's cultural infiltration work is completed very well.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is not so much intelligence system, and Mo as it is an important organ of a foreign cultural invasion and political destruction.
The United States was only CIA has permission to overseas operations, hiring and training overseas intelligence officers, the FBI is responsible for domestic affairs, only in the domestic recruitment and training of law enforcement officers. But in recent years because of the CIA's foreign intelligence work unsatisfactory, FBI took the opportunity to large-scale external recruitment, widely intervene in foreign affairs. After investigation, Lin Lin During his stay in the United States had with the FBI have been in contact,oakley womens sunglasses, so one began to speculate that she was the FBI agents. But two days before the CIA sent a fax, Lin Lin is a CIA informant, hoping to release, and put forward can be exchanged with a Soviet agent in Japan, the 12-man squad.
Take into account Lin Lin have a great deal of advanced fuel cell technology, the Japanese Cabinet has not decided whether to agree to this exchange conditions. The Asano Sachiko solicited my views, I consider for a long time to say agree with the word. For me, the fuel cell is not important, because I also have the more important technology. Lin Lin for me, is a very contradictory existence, so my dilemma let go. But in the end I made a decision, the intellect that keeps me awake.
Put down the phone, I suddenly thought of the question, Lin Lin last time because I can only operate on my computer. And my office computer protection measures on the server, but to prevent unauthorized users access to the system, if the hard drive removed, apart and forced to read the data in the hard disc, they can be important data filtering and to reproduce them. Since the other side want to get things in my computer, it is probably possible hands in the past five days I left.
Thought of this, I hurried to open the computer to see everything is normal, this gently out of breath. Then I will be all the encryption of important data in the computer and other data originally stored data disk sector covered a dozen times. Not that I caution, if you do not hard to fall into the hands of ordinary Fortunately, if you fall into the hands of the U.S. government, even if already

Monday, June 25, 2012

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Stormrage into the clothing store, looked around the shop, a lot of varieties, colored robe, casual, shirt, waistcoat, belt, hat, of course, ultimately, some of the pectoral, a white long-sleeved shirt and a deep black trousers attracted his attention, Stormrage walked over, the hand will be two clothes hanger ripped.
The owner is a middle-aged man, two pairs of thieves yo eyes already eyeing his self-righteous big fish Stormrage, he walked next to the Stormrage accompany smiles: goods, if you want to I play Qizhe.
Stormrage walked into the locker room.
When he came out, has been put on that suit, white shirt, black pants, silver-white hair drift freely in the back, plus a defiant face, like a playboy.
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Friday, June 22, 2012

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Exposed about the virus is not one but multiple, and their potential are very worthy of our expectations. Time to ask questions, again and again wonderful answer once again the audience to become excited together, Zhao Ye found that regardless of how to answer, or someone will ask.
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The luck problem, of course, regardless of the master thing, Zhao Ye have become accustomed to this perverted uncle of Li Jie to the body of his master pull.
Hey, you save the patient a drug successfully on countless a lifetime of surgery probably would not save of you medicine to save people, I am the Medical holy head I'm afraid to give you. Jay put on a dejected look.
the interns of the ordinary, not your teachings I will not! See Li Jie unbridled laughter, Ye Zhao some regret, how Li Jie pretend depressed fooled?
The time is close to noon, Yi Sheng Pharmaceutical assessment mission did not eat lunch go directly want the company responsible person return.
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Mission, we think, see a medical miracle to witness this miracle, the miracle of medical workers dream of glory.
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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

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nba said if only half, but found that the star of the night has been close your eyes to sleep. this noble lady gas suddenly red in the face suddenly white, and then she stood up in front between the legs of the Night star and relentless. ruthless stepped down.
Are face to do early in the morning wash the snow to hear the voice of the Night star, quickly came out and looked at him with puzzled eyes.
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Sunday, June 17, 2012

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Beware of Lan sweet sleep in his arms, the NBA heart still can not calm down, the passion of pleasure can not be dissipated the doubt and curiosity of his mind, whether it is those within the hotel enjoys a still mysterious attack made him the emotions, are eager to enter that

Thursday, June 14, 2012

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

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Out of the office, I immediately flew to the school canteen, where there are public telephones, but etc. I Jichong to come here, canteen boss told me yesterday, where the phone was not yet repaired.
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Bolted four or five meters, and finally found a public phone brand, I breathlessly picked up the phone, dial under a Song Liguo phone number.
Nodded his head, I always wonder, how did that reaction? Stumped their phone is broken?
Waited a long time, there is no sound, I put down the phone, about to leave, the boss said, Dizzy, anxious to rip off, I forgot there is such a one, according to the boss to say, I once again pressed the Phone Number Song Liguo.
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Find out several public telephones, but the results, this phone is how to get through.
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This out, do not know that outside a few days, final exam Needless to say, I am afraid I can not keep up, is not at home, I can not say.
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Saturday, June 2, 2012

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The overall productivity will be a qualitative change. Director Liu of everything so people and unpredictable! Real M1b smiled the secretary,the north face isabella, in fact, this is just a trivial matter, as long as usual to everyone to think more, but also want to come out! Easy secretary exclaimed: Secretary, I am going to the training conference room to hold on Let the village committee, do you think? In the evening, the real M1b home from work, passing farms, I happened to see staff from the side of the fire room carrying buckets of steaming food for pigs, it seems now is the feeding time. Real M1b thought, just something to find Challenger, went straight went to the pig farm where, if you look around the familiar scenery, real M1b illegal channels: exposed on one side, to understand under the circumstances, but really when from the Alice feet bosses! Into the pig farm, just listen to you came waves of 'Humph! Hum' sounds of pigs, pig sty is a circle Da Zhezhuan outside farming food is added to each circle, this time, the pig will be in the circle with tits up, it appears that they also know that this time is meal time.
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mlb joked: . The mlb Song under the shoulder does not matter tract: Challenger to see mlb or original as the easy-going, face suddenly loose and smiles: after this here forgot, ah! whatever the outcome, but one hundred pigs! sigh
mlb one heard what Buddha reincarnation, head on, think of the people of the village superstition quite heavy, and said: Challenger look laugh